You are currently browsing the category archive for the ‘Hot Sheet’ category.

Happy Chinese / Lunar New Year!

We are now entering the year of the White Metal Rabbit: (if the Milk Board isn’t on this yet for a campaign, they should be.)
See what’s in store for your furry year here.

And don’t forget about us “unmarried juniors” eh?

Hot sheet…and beyond. Evidently I’m full of gems lately.

Finally, an article on creative productivity that doesn’t just yammer on about efficient e-mail use and synergistic multi-tasking.

This website is a fantastic collision of three of my favorite things: nerdy science, beautiful and smart design, and… wine.

Black market grilled cheese takes to the streets, complete with punny headline. Shhh.

(Clearly this is a late post.)

Spain faces Germany today to decide the final World Cup match-up
. Are you bold enough to bet against Paul the Octopus? (his record is flawless this year, after all.)

Paul ownz you!

It’s Monday.

I’m a big fan of “fake it ’til ya make it” on days like this.
9 Things You Can Do to Be Happy in the Next 30 Minutes

Today’s the first day of summer—time to put your records on and kick back.
Pop quiz for those under age 28: what’s LP stand for?

(I was thinking my first LP was Disco Duck, but now I’m thinking it was the album shown. Hmm. Quickly followed by Madonna’s True Blue)

How do your expenses stack up? Are they getting better or worse? (I tell you what, my food budget “slice” takes up way more room. The one downside of not eating crap.)

A must read for everyone treading water in the 7 AM – 6 PM grind. Why is food everywhere?

This needs no introduction. It is simply genius.

I’m Comic Sans, Asshole

On this day in 1919, the first non-stop airplane flight crossed the Atlantic, complete with harrowing incidents of zero visibility, stuck airspeed indicators, a 4,000 ft tailspin, snow storms and a fated encounter with an Irish bog. Forget Charles Lindbergh’s boring legends.

Not feeling very public lately. Working on that!

The magazine industry ventures into something we at LAT are now expected to pull off on a daily basis. Would cut-throat turnarounds be less soul-crushing if we thought of them as a contest or marketing gimmick?

(Trying to get back in the habit. I swear.)

Warning: while you’ve probably seen all of these before, some of them are still a little jarring. 30 photos that changed the world.

I moved! (and finished a marketing class, and…and.. and..) …let’s just say the last half of March was a little chaotic. But, here I am.

Yes, it’s a slow news day (we’ve all talked enough about the iPad and The Earthquake, after all), but this is really cool! (er, really warm and dry!)

A little design “food for thought” for this Thursday morning.

Yahoo looking to out-do Google in the doodle business (among other things).

Bonus: Try saying “Google Doodle” 5x fast.

Continuing the countdown to St. Patrick’s Day, GUINNESS CAKE!

This Wednesday is St. Patrick’s Day… are you ready?

“Cool, maybe they can find another typeface besides Verdana.” Ikea moves to Ogilvy for its integrated communications. Perhaps we’ll start seeing pieces of furniture named after South American cities instead of just Scandinavian ones?

In case you missed our CEO Randy Michaels’ list of 119 banned news words, they’ve been neatly summed up here in one sentence by NPR.

And be sure to check out the list.

What worries me is that there are probably people upset about not being able to use “5 A.M. in the morning” or “mute point”.

Feeling stumped? Blame the cube.

We here in the Creative department get some *ahem* “great” e-mails, but here are a few to make you feel a little better about your work day.

For the record, here’s how NOT to destroy data.

Since most of us in the department have become big fans of the current Old Spice campaign, here’s a great video about the making of the first commercial and the campaign with the writers from Wieden + Kennedy (it’s worth the 19 minutes!)

Ah, beautiful California—Earthquakes, tsunamis, torrential flooding, and yearly wildfires, but how in the world can we prepare for “solar Katrina”?

It’s the last work day of February, it’s Friday, and it’s pay day. Let us eat cake!

Want to know what that stranger at the grocery store has been up to lately? Just snap a picture.
(And yes, you should be terrified.)

Laissez les bons temps rouler! It’s Fat Tuesday! Be sure to chow down on some King Cake and some pancakes, then get your confession and fast on! Check out the eleventy-billion variations on the tradition here. (I think I need that chicken hat from Haiti.)

Innovate! But don’t you dare let anyone see you challenging the status quo.

The Year of the (Golden / Metal) Tiger begins this Sunday—this metal monkey is excited. Some forecasts for how the Tiger will treat you. And if you’re curious about your “element” beyond your zodiac symbol, find that here.

Also, if you feel the need to take a break and do the Dragon dance, feel free.

Enjoy! And feel free to stop by with red envelopes full of cash for my unmarried self!


Couldn’t have said it better myself: “This isn’t just a kind of fad… I’m afraid you’re not doing your job if you can’t do those things. It’s not discretionary.

Nordic rampage! This needs no introduction, simply enjoy the latest in my collection of ridiculous stories about the Google Street View car.

Google’s attempt at a social media coup…. but do we really need, basically, an RSS feed of RSS feeds?

(This product has been out for only a couple of hours and I’m burnt out on all the reporting on it. Sad, that.)

“Move fast and break stuff”? Or just the, largely ignored in this article, explosion of smart phones? No really, why is social networking taking over the world?

Related: good god, I’m fortunate my California jobs/interviews have never been this ridiculous.

The revolution will be tweeted, Digged (dugg?), like buttoned, and posted to streams worldwide, but a lot of it will not be televised— starting with Pepsi’s $20MM in Super Bowl spending.

If you notice a lot of “love” on the city’s buildings this evening, you’re not imagining things.

Now that the “Slate” of the Union and the State of the Union are out of the way, what about the State of the Internet?

Celine Dion, Usher, Barbara Streisand, the Jonas Brothers, Beach Boys…. Jeff Bridges and Vince Vaughn? Er…OK.

Grammys this, GaGa that, sure it’s all very fancy and exciting, but what have these frou-frou celebs done for the national speedskating team? Grammy winner Stephen Colbert put his money on American thighs.

If your (and your family’s) weekly diet was laid out on the kitchen table, would you want anyone to see?

(Check out the disparity in the amount of live, earth-grown food between urban families and rural ones. Makes you want to re-think those packaged noodles.)

As we all start to get tired of making feminine hygiene product jokes, the question remains: How exactly is the iPad going to save the news industry? Answer: It’s not…just yet.

Trying to stay on task, not eat like crap and stay focused? Write it all down and forget it, or fall prey to the chocolate cake monster of your slacker brain.

Now you can feel free to drop food with abandon.

At last—Etta James turns 72 today. Bubble wrap, on the other hand, turns 50.
Get your popping fix here.
Get your Etta fix here.
For maximum effect, combine and enjoy.

Think your LA commute home to the valley is “like, the worst EVAR”?
Some vindication.

(I also like that the highway I grew up sitting on, the Capital Beltway, pictured above, is #3. I’m clearly drawn to bad traffic.)

How’re you going to change your life? Do ANYTHING but nothing.

Also, required viewing along the same lines. Stop eating crap! It’s that simple.

The Muppets once again with an epic cover.

Test your old school (and some newer school) board game knowledge, cupcake style.

(WTF is Barrel of Monkeys?)

To kick off the year of ’10, 10 points of note for the journalism industry going forward.

Wondering what all these random links I post pseudo-daily are? Catch up here.

For the first time since 1990, this New Year’s Eve will be a little “blue.”

Hmm, funny—what’s among the ’09 terms our very own Times wants put to death? “Curate”